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Types of Form Fields

Learn more about form fields.

Updated over 7 months ago

Form fields are the building blocks for your forms. They can be added or removed at any point in time.

When creating a new form, the Title, Description and Groups to Share the form with are the first fields to complete in the Form settings tab.

Once you have completed the Form settings, you can choose from 12 fields in the Form content tab. Simply click on the plus sign in the Form content tab to choose the form fields you need.

This article outlines the available form fields and the purpose of each field type.

Types of form fields

Form Field Name


Parent first name

This will automatically populate the field with the first name of the user that is registered in the app.

Parent last name

This will automatically populate the field with the last name of the user that is registered in the app.

Phone number

The user can type in the phone number and the field will validate the number.


The user can type in the email address and the field will validate the email address.

Short response

This allows the user to freely type in the information that is required.

We recommend using this for one line answers (40 characters or less). For example, to collect the child's first name, last name or full name.

Long response

This allows the user to freely type in the information that is required.

We recommend using this for multi-line responses or answers. For example, if the question is asking to describe something.


This list provides a yes/no toggle in the form. This toggle automatically defaults to no.

It can also be used to set up 'conditional notifications' so if a user selects yes or no, this submission can go directly to the responsible person.

If this is set as a required field, the field will change to a yes/no dropdown field to prompt the user to select one or the other.


This list can be pre-populated with values for the user to select from.

Any dropdown list can be used to set up 'conditional notifications' so if a user selects a class, this submission can go directly to the applicable teacher.

Multiple selections

This is a new field type that allows your users to select more than one option.


We have updated the Date field to include presets for an Absentee, Date of birth, Permission or Custom field. App users can now also specify a time of day with the Date field where relevant.


This is a new field type that allows you to attach a document, a web link, another form, or an event to your Form.


This field prompts the user to sign the form and collect their signature. The signature will appear on the pdf form.

Use this field where explicit consent or acknowledgement is required.

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