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How to create a Group

Learn how to create new groups.

Updated over a week ago
  • Groups are useful to manage what content a user can see within the Audiri app and provide the ability to create targeted content for specific groups of people.

  • To learn more about how to use groups and the different types of groups, click here.

To create a new group, follow the below steps.

Step 1

  • Click on the All Features button on the lefthand menu of your web console.

  • Navigate to the Groups tile and click it to open the Groups page.

  • The page will show a list of existing groups.

Step 2

  • Click on Create group located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  • This will open up the Create a new group screen, which has three fields: Name, Access type and Group managers.

  • The fields for Name and Access type are mandatory, while Group managers is optional.

There are 3 access types:

  • Open - Members can add themselves to the groups and they can unsubscribe from the group at any time.

  • Everyone - All members will be automatically subscribed to the group, they will not be able to unsubscribe.

  • Restricted - Members can request to join the group, but they are only added once an Admin has approved their request.

Step 3

  • Once you've filled in the details for the new group, you can click on Save changes, at the top right-hand corner of your web console.

  • There is also a Discard changes button.

  • Clicking on the Save changes or Discard changes buttons, will re-direct you to the Groups page.

Learn how to add users to a group here.

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