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How to schedule a Post

Schedule your posts to be published for a specific date and time.

Updated over a week ago
  • When creating a post, there is an option to schedule it for a specific date and time.

  • This is useful when it comes to planning the communications that are going out so that the readers are receiving the right information at the right time.

  • It also means that you won't forget to post an item that is time dependent as you have the option to schedule it in advance.

Follow the below steps to learn how to schedule a post for a preferred date and time:

Step 1

  • When the post content has been created and it is ready to be published, navigate to the side panel on the right-hand side of the screen.

  • Select the calendar icon below Publish date.

Step 2

  • A date and time selector will appear.

  • Choose a date and time for the post to be sent.

  • The time can be selected within 15 minute increments.

  • When the date and time have been selected, click on Save and this will change the Publish button to Schedule.

Step 3

  • Review the post content and settings, and once it's ready click on Schedule. A window will pop up to review the recipients and select the post method (Push notification or Email).

  • Once completed, another window will pop up to confirm the post and then it will redirect you to the Posts page, where the status of the post (Scheduled) will be visible.


  • All scheduled posts can be found in the 'Posts' section of your console, with the status Scheduled. Learn more about sorting posts.

  • Scheduled posts can be edited.

  • The date and time will be auto-selected to be in your timezone.

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