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How to Navigate the Users List

Learn how to search for a user and sort the list.

Updated over a week ago

The Users list can be organised using the sort function. This enables you to easily find a user or check permission settings.

Navigate to the Users page to view the users list

  • Click on the All Features menu tab on the left-hand side of your screen.

  • On the All Features page, click on the card called Users to navigate to the users list.

The users list has five columns:

  • Name: Displays the user's full name.

  • Email: Displays a user's registered email address.

  • Subscriptions: Displays the group/s the user is subscribed to.

  • Access level: Displays the access level per user (Reader, Admin or Owner)

  • Status: Displays a user's status (Active: downloaded the app and completed registration / Invited: added manually via the console, receives emails but has not downloaded the app or completed registration).

  • The list can be sorted by all columns.

  • Hover over each column heading (Name, Email, Subscriptions, Access or Status) to sort the list by that heading.

  • An arrow will appear beside the relevant column header, which enables you to sort the list alphabetically and toggle ascending and descending order (A-Z or Z-A).

How to Search for a User

  • To search for a specific user, use the search bar at the top of the page.

  • Simply type the user's name or email in the search bar.

  • The search can be completed using both partial or full details.

    • For example, to search for Jenny or Jennifer, type Jen and wait for the list to load.

    • Alternatively, typing "gmail" will bring up all of the users with a gmail account.

  • Additionally, you can use the filter by group function next to the search tab to filter the list by groups.

    • Here, you could filter users by multiple groups at the same time.

Note: The search and filtering ability is based on 'or' logic. For example, if you search for Volleyball group and for a person named Anna, it will bring up anyone that has the name Anna and anyone that it is in the Volleyball group.

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