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How to manage User permissions

Learn about changing the permission levels for a user.

Updated over a week ago

Permission levels control what a user can do in Audiri. There are three types of permission levels:

  1. Reader: This is the default permission level for all users in Audiri. When an account gets created, the user is automatically granted this permission level.

    1. Readers (also referred to as Parents) will only be able to access Audiri via the App.

  2. Admin: This permission level provides the user access to the Audiri web console to create content to send to readers. It also gives the user the ability to manage other users' access, groups and settings.

  3. Owner: This access provides the same access as Admins. However, this is assigned to one person, who is the main account holder of the Audiri account. This cannot be changed manually.

Follow the below to learn how to edit a user's permission level:

Step 1

  • Click on the All Features menu tab on the left-hand side of your screen.

  • On the All Features page, click on the card called Users to navigate to the users list.

Step 2

  • From the user list, search and select for a specific user's name to open their profile.

Step 3

  • Select Access level.

  • This will open a dropdown menu.

  • Choose the relevant option from this list to change the access level.

  • Click on Save changes for the new permission level to take effect.

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